Activités (en français), Aktivitäten (auf deutsch)

Book author, publisher, journalist, translator, poet, musician, director of the Institute for Depth Truth, post-philosopher, post-psychologist
Taken from the biography:
since 1977 in the anti-globalist struggle
1989: reporter in the GDR and Romania during the revolutions
1989: Co-founder and co-editor of the revolutionary weekly magazine „Der Montag“
1989: Co-founder of the Party for the Reunification of Germany
1995–1997: Co-founder of the publishing house Verlag der Freunde (VdF)
– Anatoli Mikhailovich Ivanov: „Logik des Alptraums“ (1993),
– Paul de Lagarde: „Deutsche Schriften“ (1994),
– Reinhold Oberlercher: „Lehre vom Gemeinwesen“ (1994),
– Serge Thion: „Historische Wahrheit oder Politische Wahrheit? Die Macht der Medien. Der Fall Faurisson“ (1994)
– Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich: „Russophobie. Das Kleine Volk und die Russen“ (1995),
– Alexander Vladimirovich Rutskoy: „Vom Reich“ (1996).
Authors of Sleipnir, a journal of culture, history and politics, published by the Verlag der Freunde and crushed by the state in 2001: Alexander Barkashov, Alain de Benoist, Christian Bouchet, Alexander Dugin, Domenico Fisichella, Tomasz Gabis, Roger Garaudy, Pierre Guillaume, Anatoli Iwanow, Andrzej Masnica, Antonio Medrano, Tahir de la Nive, Wladyslaw Studnicki, Tomislav Sunic, Jean Thiriart and many others
1997–2000: Author in the Staatsbriefe, edited by Hans-Dietrich Sander
1999: Alongside Hans Cany (France) and Troy Southgate (England) development of National-Anarchism
2004–2006: Co-founder of the committee „Freedom for Horst Mahler, Reinhold Oberlercher and Uwe Meenen!“
2005: with Constantin von Hoffmeister Artists‘ Group Neue Deutsche Literatur
2006: Participation in the so-called Holocaust Conference in Tehran with the speech „Save the West!“, published in: „Исследование Голокауста. Глобальное Видение. Материалы международной Тегеранской конференции 11 – 12 декабря 2006 года“ (2007, publisher Алгоритм, Moscow)
2015: under the pseudonym Peter Post: release of double CD „Wachablösung“ [Changing of the Guards]: German cover versions authorised by Bob Dylan, with an essay „I’m not there“; Development of a new musical genre: Post-Passions
2015–2017: author for Compact (Publisher and Editor-in-Chief: Jürgen Elsässer)
2017: Foundation of the Institute for Depth Truth, Youtube
from 2021 on: intensiv examination the thoughts of Alexander Dugin:
– Alexander Dugin, the Great Awakening and the Radical Subject – the Libertarian Left comes forward: ready! (first part of the double essay „Kierkegaard/Dugin“ with „Sören Kierkegaard, Post-Existence Philosophy and Depth Truth. Emergence of Something from Nothing, of Being-there from Not-being. Noise & Eavesdropping. An Introduction to Depth Truth in three parts“ (Youtube version) (2021)
– Video series „Reconstitution and Radicalisation of the Nihilised Subject. The Emergence of Belonging – the Discovery of Homeland. On Alexander Dugin: „Eurasian Mission““, Youtube (2022)
2023: Book publication: „Pan-Agnostics. For a Theistic-Agnostic Alliance in the Fight against the Great Reset“
Book publications:
– National Anarchy. Texts 1997 to 2000. With an Exchange of Letters with Christian Worch (2004),
– National Anarchism. Manifesto and Texts 2000 to 2004, with contributions by Troy Southgate and Hans Cany (2004),
– Poems 1977–2005 (2005),
– Save the West! (2006),
– The truth – telling it and living in it (theoretical basis of Depth Truth) (2006)
Serge Thion, Pierre Guillaume, Roger Garaudy, Jean Raspail, Jean Mabire, Gilad Atzmon, Robert Dun
Web sites: